
Assalamualaikum WBT

>PYOTCUPCAKES BAKERY is a home based bussiness offering a variety of SMALL & medium sized colourful cupcakes for you to choose from ;)

>All cupcakes are made from the finest ingredients & freshly baked daily!
>we cater for any occasions,u name it ;)

>NO extra charges for writings & NO extra charges for choc chips ;)

>storage wise for cupcakes;
in room temprature - 3 days max
refrigerate - a week max

19 May 2013

hantaran cupcakes pink and purple

thanks to those yg order with pyotcupcakes..theme yg sama..15pcs rainbow cupcakes utk hantaran tunang..25pcs chocolate moist cupcakes utk hantaran nikah 18/5/13...

same day, utk customer yg order utk nikah, 500pcs muffin and cheese marble cake utk doorgift wedding 19/5..thanks sgt2..sbb yg order tu tokey butik pengantin yg saya amik utk majlis saya nnti..overall she likes it much..looking fwd for BIG oppurtunity.. ;)