
Assalamualaikum WBT

>PYOTCUPCAKES BAKERY is a home based bussiness offering a variety of SMALL & medium sized colourful cupcakes for you to choose from ;)

>All cupcakes are made from the finest ingredients & freshly baked daily!
>we cater for any occasions,u name it ;)

>NO extra charges for writings & NO extra charges for choc chips ;)

>storage wise for cupcakes;
in room temprature - 3 days max
refrigerate - a week max

23 December 2010

Cupcakes Anniversary (tema merah pink)

Thanx to mahathir =)

Cupcakes special utk isteri tercinta katanya....=) mahathir memilih flavor chocolate untuk 16pcs medium saiz....
Nak tema pink&merah dan design ini la idea yang ada dlm kepala saya yg dah di curahkan ke cupcakes....=)

terpaksa letak papercup..sebab terbeli kotak saiz large 16 hole....=(