
Assalamualaikum WBT

>PYOTCUPCAKES BAKERY is a home based bussiness offering a variety of SMALL & medium sized colourful cupcakes for you to choose from ;)

>All cupcakes are made from the finest ingredients & freshly baked daily!
>we cater for any occasions,u name it ;)

>NO extra charges for writings & NO extra charges for choc chips ;)

>storage wise for cupcakes;
in room temprature - 3 days max
refrigerate - a week max

11 November 2010

Birthday Abah Saya Yang ke 50.....

Dah 50tahun dah usia abah..Cousin ckp dh bole la tu 50thn jubli perak...apa yg bolehnya kan?hehe...
smlm saya sambut besday abah, n buatkan cupcakes untuk abah. Tema biru putih..Simple design sbb balik keje smlm dh malam..sampai je rumah terus masuk dapur siapkan design...kek perisa coklat kurang manis n cream pon kurang manis..(sbb abah xbole mkn manis2...)so ini la hadiah dari saya untuk abah...lots of love..~